Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Project: Animation Scripting

So, for my final project I'm thinking about demonstrating the 12 principles of animation through running a script in maya that animates this flour sack rig I have, then it renders these frames out to a folder in my computer. ffmpeg then takes those files, writes something on them, (most likley using the mogrify command) and compiles the frames into a movie that I can showcase.

The whole reason I wanted to join IFDM was to become an animator, and the main elements of animation were first devoloped by the original animators at Disney. The principles are:

*Swash and Stretch
*straight ahead and pose to pose (different processes of animation)
*follow through and overlapping
*secondary action
*solid drawing

I also considered doing a user interface in maya that could help me with some of these animations, but I haven't used one before, so I'm not sure what the goals would be for that.

This was an awesome video I found that describes what I want to demonstrate with the flour sack. This would be a benchmark I would want to compare my results to.

Movie Review: Source Code


So, one movie I put of seeing was Source Code. I wanted to see it since it came out a few weeks ago, but I hadn't gotten around to it until yesterday.

Talking about the movie other that the general plot will give away some spoilers. It's the story of a military guy who is forced to go into a dead man's body for the last 8 minutes of his life through the program called the Source Code. If you want to think about it this way: it's basically Groundhog Day where the same 8 minutes on a train about to blow up is relived until he can find the bomber.

I liked the film overall, but it wasn't amazing. It was interesting trying to figure out who the bomber is, but it was a little obvious who it was (my friend who was seeing it with me guessed it during the first time going in the Source Code).

What I really liked about the movie where some of the special effects in it. They were done by a company by Modus X in Montreal, and I liked their effects like the explosions and the train itself. Other than a few scenes, the explosions looked believable. They were a little bit over the top at some parts though.

The movie was enjoyable, but I would not need to watch it a second time to pick up more details like I had to for something like Inception.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment 4.2 - Bash Scripting Tutorials

This next part of the assignment was to find the best scripting tutorial to exectute scripts in the bash shell.

This was the first tutorial I used for creating bash scripts. It's a good tutorial for understanding how to exectute a script in bash. In class I didn't understand the chmod to allow a script to be exectutable, but this explained it nicely.

This tutorial showed how to use while loops in bash along with how to write commands on one line using the semicolon. I followed it and was able to write a script that made a while loop that printed out what it showed in the video.

Here's my history saved to a .txt file:

1 cd /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/Tess

2 ls -la

3 cd Desktop/

4 pwd

5 which bash

6 ls -la

7 bash

8 chmod +x

9 ./

10 ./

11 ./

12 ./

13 history >> history_apr6

14 history >> history_apr6.txt

And this is the code:

let x=1;while [ $x -lt 11 ];do echo "x is : $x";let x=$x+1;sleep 1;done

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Assignment 4.2 Bash Scripting Part 1

Part 1: Using Bash Shell

So, I was finally able to install cyquin after the upteenth time trying. I had to restart my computer, and when I did that it was able to cleanly install the program. I thought a video would be nicer in helping me understand navigating in bash. This is helpful for navigating basically around your computer using bash. Here is my history that I saved into a txt file on my desktop when I was finally able to navigate to it. It was a much different way then on a mac, like the example in class.

1 cd
2 cd..
3 cd ..
4 cd
5 pwd
6 cd .
7 pwd
8 cd ..
9 pwd
10 cd ..
11 cd /home/
12 cd /Desktop
13 ls
14 ls -la
15 cd /
16 ls
17 ls -la
18 ls -al home
19 cd /
20 pwd
21 cd ..
22 cd /home
23 ls -la
24 cd /
25 ls -la
26 cd ~
27 pwd
28 ls -la
29 pwd
30 cd ..
31 cd /usr
32 ls -la
33 cd ~
34 pwd
35 cd /
36 pwd
37 mkdir tmp
38 mkdir test_tmp
39 pwd
40 cd /test_tmp
41 ls -la
42 history
43 history > apr6_test.txt
44 cd /
45 pwd
46 ls -la
47 /cygdrive/C
48 cd /cydribe/C:
49 cd /cygdrive/C
50 ls -la
51 cd /
52 cd /home/Tess
53 pwd
54 cd /home/Tess/Desktop
55 cd /home/Tess
56 ls -la
57 cd /cygdrive/c
58 ls -la
59 cd /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings
60 ls -la
61 cd /cydrive/c/Documents]
62 pwd
63 cd /cydrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/desktop
64 ls -la
65 Tess
66 cd Tess
67 ls -la
68 cd Desktop/
69 history > history_apr6.txt