Monday, April 25, 2011

Movie Review: Source Code


So, one movie I put of seeing was Source Code. I wanted to see it since it came out a few weeks ago, but I hadn't gotten around to it until yesterday.

Talking about the movie other that the general plot will give away some spoilers. It's the story of a military guy who is forced to go into a dead man's body for the last 8 minutes of his life through the program called the Source Code. If you want to think about it this way: it's basically Groundhog Day where the same 8 minutes on a train about to blow up is relived until he can find the bomber.

I liked the film overall, but it wasn't amazing. It was interesting trying to figure out who the bomber is, but it was a little obvious who it was (my friend who was seeing it with me guessed it during the first time going in the Source Code).

What I really liked about the movie where some of the special effects in it. They were done by a company by Modus X in Montreal, and I liked their effects like the explosions and the train itself. Other than a few scenes, the explosions looked believable. They were a little bit over the top at some parts though.

The movie was enjoyable, but I would not need to watch it a second time to pick up more details like I had to for something like Inception.

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