Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Project Turn In - Finished Project

So, this blog post will link to my final .zip packaged that I've finished for my final project. In my project, I have made an animation that demonstrates all 12 animation principles first created by the Disney animators. For the project, I have linked 4 programs: Maya (to make the flour sack and animate it) the cygwin bash terminal ffmpeg (to make the movie) imagemagick (to add the frame count and titles) In Maya, I open the blank flour sack, animate it using a .mel script, and save the scene. Next, I run from the terminal I run the maya render executable file to render out my frames of the flour sack. With image magick, I add titles for the animation principles and the frame count. Then with ffmpeg, I make a new movie out of the changed frames. This is all run from the terminal with one script, calling to other scripts. This a sample of the animation the script produces:

And here is the link to my .zip file that I've saved in dropbox:


It contains:

A README.txt file explaining the contents
The original maya file to be worked on
A script that scripts the animation with mel
A pipeline script that puts it all together
A finished video of what the output should be

These scripts will work from the directory, but where I have direct file paths, they must be changed to match to where:
You put the orginal maya file
Where your maya.exe file is located
Where your scripts are located

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