So here's the link to my final .zip folder in dropbox:
Tess's Final
The .zip file includes the history from my bash terminal, a maya file with my blank flour sack, a .mel script that animates the file, a README text file, and a bash script that runs it all.
I originally wanted to do a more elaborate animation, but getting all of the programs to run together in the bash terminal took up most of my time.
This project was most useful to me regarding adding a frame counter to my animations. In my version of maya, I can't seem to playblast. The scenes will render, but it will not playblast which gives me a convinient frame counter. It only gives me a black screen. This project will open maya, animate the flour sack, add a frame counter, and assemble the frames into a movie. With larger files, the codec screws up the resolution. For this project to be the most useful to me, I would need to figure out the best codec so my high quality renders don't get become fragmented.
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