Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Project Trial and Error 3

After being able to run the animation and render it from Maya, I tried to get it to run from bash, that way I can demonstrate the two programs communicating. I was able to do so by giving it this command:

./maya.exe -command 'source "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2011/bin/SquastTes
t.mel"';./Render.exe -r mr -s 1 -e 35 -b 1 C:/Users/Tess/Desktop/IFDM210/TestTe

Now it will open a fresh flour sack without animation, animate it to do a squash and stretch, save it out as a .ma file, then the user has to exit out of maya. Then the render process starts, and it batch renders out the files.

My next move is going to be to find the images, put them in a list, mogrify them with image magick, and combine them into a new movie with ffmpeg.

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